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江语晴: 我一开学就交了很多朋友。樌亳之尚 秦宇桥那边也是,他那幅长相,就算在五官立体的纯种美式帅哥面前都不逊色,加上喜欢运动,一下子多了很多兄弟,也认识了很多女性朋友。 严昊哲反正本来就不喜好社交,不过也算是交了2,3个谈得来的好基友。 总体来说,我们三个过的都很不错。


s:" hey, joseph! long time no see! how's life?"

j:" not bad. how about you?"

s:" i am doing great! oh, by the way, this is my friend rachael. rachael, joseph. joseph, rachael"

r:" hi, joseph, nice to meet you."

j:"nice to meet you too. are you guys going to grab lunch? maybe we could have lunch together?"

s:" yes we are, and sure let's do lunch together! how do you think, rachael?"

r:" yeah, it's awesome. let's do this!"


r:" omg!!!! stella!! don't you think he is cute?"

s:" yes, he is!!"

r:" he is exactly the guy in the fault in our star! he is the augustus!!!"

s:" oh come on, rach.. you have a crush on him?!"

r:" nope.. i mean.. maybe? he is hot! and he has a good personality. most importantly!! he has dimples!!"

s:" yes...well..that makes sense. maybe i should give you his number. you should talk with him!"

r:" ha, girl, you are so sweet, but that's no need, i have boyfriend."

s:" what! you have boyfriend and you have not told me?! i am so disappointed!"

r:" oh please don't be!! i just wanna enjoy being 'single' in college for a while."


j:"hey, how are you?"

s:"i am good. how about you?"

j;" i am good,too. i don't have class this afternoon and it's friday. do you wanna go out with me to downtown?"

s:" umhhhh.. i don't have class either, but.. i am not sure. i am so tired and i wanna take a nap now."

j;" well.. tell me when you wake up then. have a good nap."

s:" thanks, and i will."

我本来困意很浓,可是收到秦宇桥的短信之后就睡不着了。我很想知道他为什么突然约我出去。我很想知道他为什么中午才见我就发来短信。 我必须先问问rachael该怎么办。想着想着 就走到了rachael的寝室。

s: "
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