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hey rach, do you have time? i need to talk."

r:" yep sure. what's wrong girl?"

s" joseph, he guy you met in the cafeteria, he texted me and asked me out."

r:" wow! that's great! did you say yes?"

s:" of course not! i mean..we haven't been talking since we met last time during freshman week. going out, just two of us, is like a date. i don't know what should i do so i come to ask you."

r:" well. maybe he just want to know more of you? but clearly he has something for you. the point is, do you wanna date him?"

s:" i don't know. it's kinda like a dilemma. if i don't go out with him, i can't get to know more of him and i can't make a decision. but if i do go, he might think i kinda wanna date him..."

r:" i don't think he will be so arrogant. he seems like a nice guy, you should go and know more of him and tell him what you feel."

s:" maybe.. yes..okay. what do you think i should wear? he only told me that we are going to downtown but didn't say where."

r:" just casual..but i am sure that cute hairband and high-heel boots help."

s:"thanks, rach! love you so much! you are the best!"

r:" ha no worries. any time! good luck with tonight!"

回到自己的房间,穿上宽松的t恤塞入高腰短款牛仔裤,配上流苏坡跟短靴,套一件军绿色的薄款风衣外套。嗯。看上去还不错。 先发一条短信给秦宇桥吧。告诉他我会去,让他挑个时间来接。然后我坐到梳妆台前,扑上粉底,勾勒眼线,撒上眼影,打上高光....... 化妆中途手机响了好多次,我不喜欢做一件事的时候被打扰。所以等都化好才拿起手机。 秦宇桥这家伙,一连发了3条短信。

j:" that's great! i will pick you up in front of your dorm building around 5 pm."

j:" do you wanna go to the market? or watch a movie? and after that maybe we could have a dinner?"

j:" i forgot to ask when do you wanna meet! i was too excited. is 5 okay?"

我看了一看手机, 4点半。刚好。

s:" yes. 5 is perfect. i don;t mind. what do you wanna do?"

秦宇桥回短信的速度不是一般的快.. 几乎发出去三秒之后手机就响了

j:"maybe market first and then dinner and movie afterward?"

s:"sounds good."

j:" great! see you soon!"

这家伙..到底想干嘛,不管了 我要先去挑包包。 背kate spade的黑色挎包吧。 哦对了 还有
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